
BearSaver is a Favorite of Our National Parks

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BearSaver is a Favorite of Our National Parks

BearSaver is the nation’s #1 choice for bear-proof trash cans, recycle bins, and food storage lockers. It’s also a favorite of many of our country’s most revered national parks. From Denali to Acadia and Glacier Bay to Everglades, BearSaver is helping visitors keep our protected natural spaces clean all while removing attractants that bears find irresistible.  Tackling trash in Denali Since 2016, Denali National Park has enacted a “zero-landfill” initiative to help turn trash into recycling. Given its remote location in the wilds of Alaska, park officials have to work harder than in other areas to divert recyclable materials away from local landfills. One key change they’ve made is to install 33 BearSaver triple-bin recycling containers. This allows visitors to easily separate aluminum, plastic, and glass into containers that are also designed to keep curious and hungry bears out.  Locking up food in Yosemite It’s not just trash that can attract bears in our national parks. Anyone hiking or camping...

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Bears Moving Into Cities Where Human Food Sources Are Plentiful

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Bears Moving Into Cities Where Human Food Sources Are Plentiful

If you live in a rural area where bears are common, then you probably wouldn’t be surprised to see one strolling by your kitchen window. But what if you live in a condo downtown? Bear sightings in populated cities are becoming more common when human food sources are easy to find. This puts both people and bears in danger. That’s why it’s so important to keep bear attractants safely locked up no matter where you live. Black bear sightings in cities becoming the norm Residents of Knoxville, Tennessee, have no doubt seen a black bear or two in the wild. After all, it’s just a stone’s throw from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, one of the biggest areas in the eastern US where black bears live in the wild. But in December 2022, residents of downtown Knoxville got a big surprise when they spotted a black bear roaming the streets early one morning in search of food. And they...

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New Year’s Resolutions for People Living in Bear Country

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New Year’s Resolutions for People Living in Bear Country

It’s that time of year when everyone starts making New Year’s resolutions. If you live in bear country, then we’d like to suggest that you make a resolution (or two) that will help us all co-exist more peacefully with our bear neighbors. We’ve got some great ideas below that will help you limit or eliminate your encounters with bears. Follow these, and we’ll all have a happier and healthier New Year! Resolution: Learn more about common bear traits It’s easier to live peacefully with bears when you understand more about them and their behavior. For example – did you know there are eight different species of bears? Or that you’re most likely to encounter a brown/Grizzly bear or American Black Bear in the United States? Did you know that bears are very smart and can run at speeds exceeding 35 mph? Or that bears hibernate because of a lack of food, not because of an inability to keep warm? Learn...

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Customizing Your BearSaver Receptacles

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Customizing Your BearSaver Receptacles

Here at BearSaver, we’ve spent years working with wildlife biologists and bear experts to bring the highest quality bear-resistant trash cans and recycling bins to the market. We have a robust line with more than 75 different bear-proof trash cans, bear-proof dumpsters, and bear-proof food storage lockers that will remove the attractants that get bears in trouble. But we understand that even with so many products to choose from, you might still have unique needs. That’s why we’re happy to customize any of our BearSaver receptacles to meet those needs. Let’s take a closer look at how we can help you. Huge line of bear-proof receptacles to choose from BearSaver is the largest bear-proof container supplier in the world, and it’s easy to see why. We offer more than 75 different bear-proof containers to choose from. These products have been developed and designed over many years with help from bear experts and top wildlife biologists. We take our work very seriously, and...

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How You Can Help Bears in November

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How You Can Help Bears in November

It’s that time of year again when bears begin their hibernation for the upcoming winter months. But did you know that bears don’t hibernate because of the harsh weather? Instead, they hibernate because it’s too difficult to find enough food for survival during winter. Unfortunately, this means that some bears never actually enter hibernation because food sources – particularly food from human sources – are too abundant. That’s why keeping human food and other attractants away from bears at this time of year is crucial. Let’s take a closer look at how you can do your part to help bears this November. Understand bear behavior this time of year Typically, bears will begin to make or search out dens in November to begin their winter hibernation. Grizzly bears tend to excavate their dens on mountain slopes or hills, creating small chambers where they can slumber during the winter months. Black bears, on the other hand, use a variety of sites...

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