Preventing Animal Break-ins: BearSaver vs. Regular Trash Cans

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Preventing Animal Break-ins: BearSaver vs. Regular Trash Cans

Dealing with animals rummaging through trash is a common challenge for both public spaces and commercial properties. From parks and campgrounds to restaurants and apartment complexes, animals—especially bears—can cause significant damage and create unsanitary conditions by breaking into traditional trash cans. Fortunately, BearSaver offers a proven solution with its line of animal-proof trash cans and recycle bins designed for public and commercial use.

The Problem with Regular Trash Cans

Regular trash cans, even those made from sturdy materials, are often no match for determined wildlife. Whether it’s a raccoon, squirrel, or bear, many animals have become adept at opening unsecured lids or simply tipping over bins to gain access to their contents. This not only leads to messes that are costly and time-consuming to clean up, but also creates health hazards, invites pests, and threatens wildlife safety by encouraging animals to become reliant on human food sources.

Common issues with traditional trash cans include:

  • Weak or poorly secured lids that are easily opened by animals
  • Tipping hazards when cans aren’t properly anchored
  • No safeguards against larger animals like bears that can destroy the bins completely

BearSaver: A Solution that Stands Strong

BearSaver's line of animal-resistant trash cans and recycle bins are engineered specifically to combat these issues. With features that prevent even the most persistent animals from accessing the contents, BearSaver products provide peace of mind to municipalities, parks, businesses, and other organizations. Here's how BearSaver stands out compared to regular trash cans:

1. Durable Construction

BearSaver uses high-strength materials designed to withstand heavy impacts from wildlife. Their products feature solid steel construction and reinforced seams, ensuring that not even the most determined bear can break through.

2. Secure Lids

Unlike traditional trash cans, BearSaver bins come with heavy-duty locking mechanisms that prevent animals from opening the lids. These are easy for humans to operate, yet impossible for animals like raccoons and bears to manipulate.

3. Variety of Options

BearSaver offers a wide range of trash cans and recycling bins to suit various public and commercial needs. From single trash can enclosures to multi-bin recycling stations, BearSaver has models designed for parks, campgrounds, resorts, and even urban areas where wildlife encounters are common.

Public and Commercial Benefits of BearSaver

Investing in BearSaver trash cans and recycle bins offers a range of benefits for both public and commercial properties:

  • Reduced Cleanup Costs: By keeping animals out of the trash, BearSaver bins prevent messes that would otherwise require expensive and time-consuming cleanups.

  • Improved Sanitation: Securing trash prevents animals from spreading waste and creating unsanitary conditions in public or commercial spaces.

  • Wildlife Protection: BearSaver products help keep animals safe by discouraging them from becoming reliant on human food sources.

  • Long-Term Durability: BearSaver cans are built to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements due to damage caused by wildlife.

BearSaver Products for Every Need

BearSaver offers a variety of solutions, including single and dual trash enclosures, large multi-cart recycling bins, and animal-proof recycling stations. Some popular models include:

  • Bearier Residential Single Trash Can Enclosure (RCE132F): A durable and attractive option for high-traffic areas.
  • Outdoor Trash & Recycle Bin – Rectangle Solid Body (MD365): This three-cart, 195-gallon capacity bin is ideal for parks and public spaces.
  • HB2G Dual Bin Trash Enclosure: Perfect for commercial properties with a need for high-capacity, secure waste management solutions.

Choose BearSaver for Ultimate Protection

When it comes to preventing animal break-ins, there’s no comparison between BearSaver’s expertly engineered trash cans and regular, unsecured bins. With BearSaver, public and commercial spaces can maintain cleanliness, promote wildlife safety, and avoid the costly consequences of animal break-ins. To learn more about BearSaver’s animal-resistant trash cans and recycle bins, or to place an order, contact BearSaver at 800-851-3887 or email

Invest in BearSaver today and protect your property—and the wildlife around it—from the hazards of unsecured trash.

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