Enhancing Bear-Resistant Waste Management with BearSaver Mini Depot Receptacles

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Enhancing Bear-Resistant Waste Management with BearSaver Mini Depot Receptacles

When it comes to setting up a bear-resistant waste management system in public spaces or private communities, selecting the right receptacles can be challenging. Not only do the receptacles need to withstand bears and other wildlife, but they should also be durable and aesthetically pleasing. At BearSaver, we are proud to offer a diverse range of bear-resistant receptacles suitable for various purposes. Among our options, the "Mini Depot" trash cans and recycle bins stand out as an excellent choice for efficiently collecting community trash and recycling.

What are BearSaver Mini Depot Receptacles?

BearSaver Mini Depot receptacles are multi-stream enclosures designed to facilitate the collection of different types of waste in a single unit. Whether you need a recycling center where users can separate glass, plastic, and aluminum, or a waste center housing both trash and recycling, our Mini Depot receptacles are the ideal solution. Within the Mini Depot line, we offer two different models:

1. BearSaver Mini Depot Recycling Enclosure MDYP-LL: This model consists of three 40-gallon rectangular trash cans, providing a total capacity of 120 gallons. It is designed to hold three separate recyclable materials. The Mini Depot features standard 5"x5" openings for each stream, and its appearance can be modified by simply changing the decals.

2. BearSaver Mini Depot Combo Trash/Recycling Enclosure MDYP-LL-X: Similar to the first model, this enclosure also utilizes three 40-gallon rectangular trash cans with a combined capacity of 120 gallons. However, it includes two 5"x5" openings for recycling and a larger 10"x5" opening in the center for trash disposal.

Both models have a weight of 375 pounds and dimensions of 48 inches wide by 45 inches high by 30 inches long.

How do Mini Depot Receptacles Keep Bears Out?

The Mini Depot receptacles feature an animal-resistant baffle located below the loading holes. This design effectively deters bears from accessing the contents while preventing people from removing collected materials. Additionally, both models have animal-resistant top loading and separate service doors, providing optimal protection against animal intrusion and reducing strain on your back during waste removal. Each BearSaver bin is equipped with a built-in locking hasp, ensuring the security of the contents.

Furthermore, BearSaver Mini Depot receptacles are built to last. All handles, striker plates, and hardware are coated with zinc for enhanced corrosion resistance. The ADA-compliant enclosures feature heavy-duty stainless steel piano hinges, while the housing and doors are constructed from corrosion-resistant steel with a textured powder coat finish. This finish grants the enclosures resistance to humidity, fog, salt spray, ultraviolet rays, chemicals, and abrasion.

BearSaver Mini Depot receptacles offer a comprehensive solution for establishing bear-resistant waste management systems. Combining functionality, durability, and visual appeal, these receptacles ensure effective waste collection while maintaining a positive reflection of your business or community. With features such as animal-resistant baffles, top loading and service doors, and a secure locking mechanism, BearSaver Mini Depot receptacles provide peace of mind and long-lasting performance. Choose BearSaver to elevate your waste management efforts today.

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